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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

[ePolitikus] Pemberontakan di Timur Tengah.

From North Africa to the Persian Gulf governments are trying to stop the numerous protests spreading like volcanic lava. The demonstrations spread to dozens of countries throughout the Middle East - tens of thousands of people revolted against the monarchy in Bahrain, Yemen, on the streets a few days there are fights, Egypt has long covered by the persistence of the strikes, and the funeral, demonstrators in Iran turned into a tug of war between the government and the opposition. Even in the strictest of Libya Benghazi in the central square appeared angry, calling to stop 41-year rule of Moammar Gadhafi. Iraq, accustomed to the constant conflicts in the religious grounds, received a dose of something new: a fierce protest in the eastern city of Kut, the fierce because of unemployment, constant interruptions of electricity, and corruption in government. A Bahraini demonstrators clashed in last Monday with assault troops, broke into the main square in Manama, with a can of tear gas and high explosive grenades.

Протесты на ближнем востоке
1. A resident of Bahrain to the hospital in Manama on 17 February, which fell victim to the conflict between anti-government protesters and police. Armed soldiers and tanks appeared on the streets for the first time, after the police using tear gas and batons led the demonstrators from the main square, where they demanded political changes. (AP / Hasan Jamali)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
2. Demonstrantki chanting anti-government slogans after police led the protesters from the square, in Manama, Bahrain. (AP / Hassan Ammar)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
3. Mother with a wounded son at the hospital. Three people died and hundreds were injured when police descended on the camp of anti-government demonstrators in the Pearl area in Manama. (Getty Images / John Moore)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
4. Wounded Shia demonstrators in Manama hospital after clashes with police. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
5. A wounded demonstrator on a stretcher in Manama. (AP / Hassan Ammar)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
6. The surgeon led a demonstration in hospital where, after clashes with police, five people died. (Getty Images / John Moore)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
7. General view of the Pearl area in Manama, which was recently held at the police, leaving four dead. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
8. Tanks Army of Bahrain near the Pearl area. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
9. Motorcycle on the roadside near the tents of demonstrators in the central square of the capital of Bahrain. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
10. Tents of demonstrators on the Pearl Square on February 17. On the night of February 17 as a result of "cleansing" the area of police killed two people. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
11. Demonstrators chant slogans in Manama. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
12. Protesters watching a football match between the clubs Barcelona and Arsenal in the camp, broken near the main square of Manama. (AP / Hassan Ammar)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
13. Anti-government protesters take part in a demonstration for a regime change of government in Manama. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
14. Demonstrators gathered in a central area in Manama. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
15. Anti-government protesters are preparing for the second night on the Pearl area in Manama. (AP / Hasan Jamali)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
16. Bahreynets with the national flag during a protest over a change of government. (AFP / Getty Images / Joseph Eid)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
17. Bahrainis are praying on the area in Manama. (AP / Hasan Jamali)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
18. Hundreds of demonstrators shouting slogans at the funeral of a Shiite Fadhel Salman Matrouk (posters), who was shot in front of the hospital, where the demonstrators gathered at the funeral of another compatriot, in Manama. Shiite opposition called for action to establish the present constitutional monarchy. (AFP / Getty Images / Adam Jan)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
19. Yemeni anti-government protester throws stones at the police station during clashes with supporters of the political regime in the heart of Sana'a on February 17. Injuring 12 people. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
20. Yemeni anti-government demonstrators (top right) and tsoronniki government throwing stones at each other in Sana'a. (AP / Hani Mohammed)

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21. Proponents of the political system of Yemen throwing stones at demonstrators in the center of Sanaa. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
22. The conflict between anti-government protesters and government supporters. (AP / Hani Mohammed)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
23. Yemeni anti-government protesters in action. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
24. Yemeni anti-government protesters throw stones at supporters of the government in Sana'a. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
25. Supporters of the Yemeni government faced with opposition supporters in Sana'a. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
26. A supporter of the Yemeni government walks away from the stones during the conflict in Sana'a. (AP / Hani Mohammed)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
27. Anti-government protester was bleeding after clashes with supporters of the government. (AFP / Getty Images / Gamal Noman)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
28. Supporters of the Yemeni government hold portraits of President Ali Abdullah Saleh at the center of Sanaa, where during the conflict between demonstrators and police injured 12 people. (AFP / Getty Images / Ahmad Gharabli)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
29. Anti-government protesters near the burning car during clashes with police in Aden, Yemen. (AFP / Getty Images / Stringer)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
30. Supporters of the Libyan Government with the portraits of Muammar Qaddafi to a meeting in Tripoli on February 16 in support of a veteran who came to power after a rebellion in 1969. (AFP / Getty Images / Mahmud Turkia)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
31. Government Iranians touch the coffin was covered by the flag of Sana'a Dzhaleha - a student who died during the conflict on Monday in Tehran. Iranian television described Dzhaleha as government supporters and members of the Basij - a paramilitary militia that emerged from the fight with the demonstrators. However, the reformist website kaleme.com called Dzhaleha one of those who participated in the campaign of opposition leader Mira Hossuyna Mousavi. Clashes between Iranian police and tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken place in central Tehran last Monday, when opposition supporters tried to raise the morale of the people after the riots in Egypt. (AP /)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
32. Man beats shoe poster of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi's funeral Sana'a Dzhaleha. (AFP / Getty Images /)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
33. People carry the coffin killed during the conflict, the student Sana'a Dzhaleha. (AFP / Getty Images /)

Протесты на ближнем востоке
34. Iraqi assault force will not allow demonstrators in Basra - Iraq's second largest city, 550 km south-east of Baghdad. Hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators took to the streets of Basra demanding the resignation of the local governing body. On the eve of the result of such protests in several deaths. (AP / Nabil al-Jurani)

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